Sojourner For Truth and Ilumi came into the game of music-making to unite the Beloved in one Faith and have released a new single ‘Cry Out’


Sojourner For Truth and Ilumi Black from Memphis, Tennessee are both passionate about kingdom building. They came into the game of music-making to unite the Beloved in one Faith, one Savior, one Truth, and one God.Braced with the recent happenings in the world today and the fact that many don’t want to hear about the Bible, they knew it was time for a new message and a renewed message. Being victims and conquerors of unfavorable life situations and having experienced the divine saving grace of Elohim(God) in various aspects of their lives, they now dedicate their lives to spreading their message, story, and testimony through rap music. Using the mic as their podium, they express their life experiences to bring hope to those who feel lost. “We’re going to keep it 100 with you, no sugar coating but real and relatable words about our life that one can feel.”

Sojourner For Truth and Ilumi Black is known for the vibrant, powerful, and passionate manner in which they flesh out their flawless raps that creates memorable, heartfelt rhythmic music with quotable faith-based lyrics.
One of their favorite scripture that fuels their passion for rapping remains (Psalm 66:16 “Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me.”). In addition, they’re bent on creating lyrics that are highly relatable and truly moving to their listeners. Their love for music also streams from the motivation they get from prominent rappers in the music and entertainment industry like Skillet, Thousand Foot Krutch, Lecrae, Trip Lee, Tadashi, and Flame. They are true faith-based rappers devoting their lives to the purpose in which Elohim (God) has predestinated for them.

Ultimately, they crave to open the hearts of people to experience the freedom of liberty, restoration, and blessings in Messiah Yeshua(Christ Jesus)through rap music.

Sojourner For Truth & Ilumi Black have released their latest song ‘Cry Out’
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