After undertaking a songwriting course at Berkeley Music school, ‘Chloe Clouds’ returns with her new single ‘Let me be’.

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Chloe Clouds is an emerging new pop artist who writes from the heart. Her debut single ‘I’ll Carry Me’ conveyed the story of heartbreak & depicts that moment you realise you need to move on from your ex & focus on the new path that lies ahead. Having sung & written songs all her life Chloe only started to take music seriously in 2019 after being introduced to the independent musician world by a special connection – Ryan Koriya. After this she was able to unleash her creativity & songwriting became the number one passion. She undertook a songwriting course at Berkeley Music school to solidify her writing skills & loves nothing more than putting together a top line & melody.

‘Let me be’ is her latest release. This second single is a lighter hearted romantic dreamy pop song fantasising about a future with a lover. Her lyrics are clever, honest & relatable. Miss Clouds is putting together an album and working with the likes of Manafest – a metal hip hop artist who has had over a million streams to date and music marketing guru & expert – Rick BarkerTaylor Swift’s former manager.

Ryan Koriya has been like a mentor to me & I am extremely grateful for this introduction into the independent artist world. Hé helped her set a road map & gave her endless advice from the very beginning. Since 2019 her passion has spiralled & quickly she realised she had found her tribe. When she met other songwriters life all made sense & she hasn’t ceased to continue with this. Art is very subjective, each & every song has an element of vulnerability in it – so conquering your fears has been the hardest obstacle. Once you face those fears the rest flows easily.

Her biggest piece of advice is ‘Follow your dreams because if you don’t you will regret never trying’. She feels extremely lucky to have maintained her day job whilst building her music career on the side. Allowing her to invest heavily into the business set up & marketing side. People underestimate just how much you have to do as an independent artist it’s not just the creation of music or quality of the sound recording there is so much technicality & entrepreneurial spirit required to achieve what is needed behind the scenes. From photograph shoot planning to video editing to artwork resizing & merchandise designing & none of it is cheap! It’s 200 quid just mixing a song sometimes.

“I love every part of it” she says. The favourite element is allowing myself to express emotions through song. That is very special. Creating art that others can relate to & be empowered by is motivation alone to continue. Especially when somebody reached out to me to tell me how my song touched their heart or they had a similar story they could relate it to, that always makes my day. You do music for the love not for the money because It takes about ten years to really make it huge in this industry. I am still honing my craft & having fun along the way. I can’t wait for what is around the corner.


Stay tuned & If you’d like to find out more about Chloe Clouds visit her webpage
Follow her @chloeclouds & be sure to stream Her music – available on all music platforms 😊
YouTube Channel: @chloeclouds – « let me be » YouTube link:
Apple Music: